ICWE 2008 - Invited Keynote Speaker: Daniel Schwabe
Daniel Schwabe
Professor at the Department of Informatics, Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Short Bio
Daniel Schwabe is Professor at the Department of Informatics, Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),
were he has been since 1981. He received his BSc in Mathematics from PUC-Rio in 1975, his MSc in Computer Science
also from PUC-Rio in 1976, and his PhD in Computer Science from UCLA 1981. His doctoral dissertation focused
on the protocols of the Internet, called ARPANet at the time, and was carried out at the Information Sciences
Institute, who ran the ARPANet for DOD. He has advised over 60 Masters and PhD dissertations.
In the 80s, prof. Schwabe worked on knowledge based systems, and was responsible for the design and development
of the first such systems in Brazil, notably in the medical and legal areas. The evolution of this work led to
his current research on authoring methods for hypermedia applications, whose most prominent examples nowadays
are web-based applications.
He is one of the authors of the Object Oriented Hypermedia Design Method, a world-wide reference in authoring
methods for hypermedia. Prof. Schwabe has over 80 published papers in the main journals and conferences in this
field. He has been elected as a member of the International World Wide Web Conference Committee, the organization
responsible for the WWW conference series, the most important confence in this field. He is also a member of ISWE
(International Society for Web Engineering) and SWSA (Semantic Web Science Association). In addition, he has
organized several conferences and workshops, and served on the program committee of the main conferences in the
area, both at the national and at the international level. He is one of the managing editors for the Journal of
Web Engineering, and associated editor for ACM Transactions on the Web.
Applications developed by his team or that he participated include, among others, legal information systems for
banking institutions, in Italy; hypermedia manual for heavy mechanical equipment industries; the hypermedia
interfaces to art collections; institutional sites for several companies; service sites for professional
associations; and support for communities of practice inside companies. In addition to such applications,
Prof. Schwabe has also been involved in designing environments to support web-based e-learning. Several of the
projects he led resulted in technologies that were later transferred to start up companies incubated at PUC-Rio.
Prof. Schwabe has also consulted extensively for many companies, both in private and in the public sectors.
At the Department of Informatics he has held been department chair, graduate and undergratuate studies
coordinator, and also has served in various committees at the University level. Dr. Schwabe was also an elected
member and elected coordinator for the Computer Science advisory committee to CNPq (the Brazilian equivalent of
the National Science Foundation). He also served as a member of the Computer Science advisory committee to CAPES,
the Ministry of Education agency responsible for evaluating all graduate course programs in Brazil.
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