RDF Description of the ICWE2008 papers
Crawling AJAX by Inferring User Interface State Changes
Crawling AJAX by Inferring User Interface State Changes
Ali Mesbah
Engin Bozdag
Arie van Deursen
Conference: ICWE2008;
OptimAX: Optimizing Distributed ActiveXML Applications
OptimAX: Optimizing Distributed ActiveXML Applications
Serge Abiteboul
Ioana Manolescu
Spyros Zoupanos
Conference: ICWE2008;
Combining Scalability and Expressivity in the Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services
Combining Scalability and Expressivity in the Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services
Joerg Hoffmann
Ingo Weber
James Scicluna
Tomasz Kaczmarek
Anupriya Ankolekar
Conference: ICWE2008;
Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications
Achieving Efficient Access to Large Integrated Sets of Semantic Data in Web Applications
Pieter Bellekens
Kees van der Sluijs
William Van Woensel
Sven Casteleyn
Geert-Jan Houben
Conference: ICWE2008;
Identifying Cultural Markers for Web Application Design Targeted to a Multi-Cultural Audience
Identifying Cultural Markers for Web Application Design Targeted to a Multi-Cultural Audience
Piero Fraternali
Massimo Tisi
Conference: ICWE2008;
A Model-Driven Development for GWT-Based Rich Internet Applications with OOH4RIA
A Model-Driven Development for GWT-Based Rich Internet Applications with OOH4RIA
Santiago Meli
Jaime Gomez
Sandy Pérez
Oscar Diaz
Conference: ICWE2008;
Security Policy Composition for Composite Services
Security Policy Composition for Composite Services
Fumiko Satoh
Takehiro Tokuda
Conference: ICWE2008;
Refactoring to Rich Internet Applications. A Model-Driven Approach
Refactoring to Rich Internet Applications. A Model-Driven Approach
Gustavo Rossi
Mario Matias Urbieta
Jeronimo Ginzburg
Damiano Distante
Alejandra Garrido
Conference: ICWE2008;
Engineering a Self-Voicing, Web-Browsing Web Application Supporting Accessibility Anywhere
Engineering a Self-Voicing, Web-Browsing Web Application Supporting Accessibility Anywhere
Jeffrey Bigham
Craig Prince
Richard Ladner
Conference: ICWE2008;
Database-Driven Web Mashups
Database-Driven Web Mashups
Andrei Vancea
Michael Grossniklaus
Moira Norrie
Conference: ICWE2008;
Executable Semantics of Recursively Nestable Dialog Flow Specifications for Web Applications
Executable Semantics of Recursively Nestable Dialog Flow Specifications for Web Applications
Sören Blom
Matthias Book
Volker Gruhn
Conference: ICWE2008;
Facing Interaction-Rich RIAs: the Orchestration Model
Facing Interaction-Rich RIAs: the Orchestration Model
Sandy Pérez
Oscar Diaz
Santiago Meliá
Jaime Gómez
Conference: ICWE2008;
Exploiting Structure Recurrence for Efficient XML Processing
Exploiting Structure Recurrence for Efficient XML Processing
Dong Zhou
Conference: ICWE2008;
Efficacious Reuse Support as Enabler for Cross-Methodological Web Engineering with Stakeholders
Efficacious Reuse Support as Enabler for Cross-Methodological Web Engineering with Stakeholders
Patrick Freudenstein
Marko Boettger
Martin Nussbaumer
Conference: ICWE2008;
Knowledge Engineering in a Temporal Semantic Web Context
Knowledge Engineering in a Temporal Semantic Web Context
Viorel Milea
Flavius Frasincar
Uzay Kaymak
Conference: ICWE2008;
A Catalogue of Refactorings for Navigation Models
A Catalogue of Refactorings for Navigation Models
Jordi Cabot
Cristina Gómez
Conference: ICWE2008;
The Use of Bayesian Networks for Web Effort Estimation: Further Investigation
The Use of Bayesian Networks for Web Effort Estimation: Further Investigation
Emilia Mendes
Conference: ICWE2008;
A framework for the Management of Context Data in Adaptive Web Information Systems
A framework for the Management of Context Data in Adaptive Web Information Systems
Roberto De Virgilio
Riccardo Torlone
Conference: ICWE2008;
Modeling Ontology-Driven Personalization of Web Contents
Modeling Ontology-Driven Personalization of Web Contents
Marco Brambilla
Christina Tziviskou
Conference: ICWE2008;
Declarative Access Control for WebDSL: Combining Language Integration and Separation of Concerns
Declarative Access Control for WebDSL: Combining Language Integration and Separation of Concerns
Danny Groenewegen
Eelco Visser
Conference: ICWE2008;
BotSeer: An automated information system for analyzing Web robots
BotSeer: An automated information system for analyzing Web robots
Yang Sun
Isaac Councill
C. Lee Giles
Conference: ICWE2008;
Evaluation of a Measurement Procedure for Web Applications: A Replication Study
Evaluation of a Measurement Procedure for Web Applications: A Replication Study
Silvia Abrahao
Geert Poels
Emilio Insfrán
Conference: ICWE2008;
Constructing Advanced Web-based Dialog Components with Stakeholders - a DSL Approach
Constructing Advanced Web-based Dialog Components with Stakeholders - a DSL Approach
Patrick Freudenstein
Martin Nussbaumer
Conference: ICWE2008;
A Method for Integration of Web Applications Based on Information Extraction
A Method for Integration of Web Applications Based on Information Extraction
Hao Han
Takehiro Tokuda
Conference: ICWE2008;
Publish by Example
Publish by Example
Philippe RIGAUX
David Gross-Amblard
Conference: ICWE2008;
Assessing Web Applications Consistently: A Context Information Approach
Assessing Web Applications Consistently: A Context Information Approach
Hernan Molina
Luis Olsina
Conference: ICWE2008;
Specification Patterns for Formal Web Verification
Specification Patterns for Formal Web Verification
May Haydar
Houari Sahraoui
Alexandre Petrenko
Conference: ICWE2008;
Designing Rich Internet Applications Combining UWE and RUX-Method
Designing Rich Internet Applications Combining UWE and RUX-Method
Juan Carlos Preciado
Marino Linaje
Rober Morales
Fernando Sánchez
Gefei Zhang
Christian Kroiß
Nora Koch
Conference: ICWE2008;
The Next Step in Information Sharing: The Distributed Alerts Dissemination Backbone
The Next Step in Information Sharing: The Distributed Alerts Dissemination Backbone
Derik Pack
Russell Coleman
John Osborne
Conference: ICWE2008;
Business Process -based Conceptual Design of Rich Internet Applications
Business Process -based Conceptual Design of Rich Internet Applications
Marco Brambilla
Marino Linaje
Juan Carlos Preciado
Fernando Sánchez
Conference: ICWE2008;
How to Improve the Discovery of Structured Content on the Web
How to Improve the Discovery of Structured Content on the Web
Juergen Umbrich
Andreas Harth
Stefan Decker
Conference: ICWE2008;
The Use of Cognitive Authority for Information Retrieval in Folksonomy Based Systems
The Use of Cognitive Authority for Information Retrieval in Folksonomy Based Systems
Roberto Pereira
Sergio Roberto da Silva
Conference: ICWE2008;
MVC-Webflow: an AJAX Tool for Online Modeling of Model 2 Web Applications
MVC-Webflow: an AJAX Tool for Online Modeling of Model 2 Web Applications
Marco Brambilla
Alessandro Origgi
Conference: ICWE2008;
Extending MS Office for sharing Document Content Units over the Semantic Web
Extending MS Office for sharing Document Content Units over the Semantic Web
Sasa Nesic
Dragan Gasevic
Mehdi Jazayeri
Conference: ICWE2008;
WIKE: A Web Information/Knowledge Extraction System for Web Service Generation
WIKE: A Web Information/Knowledge Extraction System for Web Service Generation
Hao Han
Takehiro Tokuda
Conference: ICWE2008;
Peony: a Web Environment to support pattern-based development
Peony: a Web Environment to support pattern-based development
Rosana Braga
Alessandra Chan
Conference: ICWE2008;
On-the-fly Data Integration for Personalized Television Recommender Systems
On-the-fly Data Integration for Personalized Television Recommender Systems
Pieter Bellekens
Kees van der Sluijs
Geert-Jan Houben
Lora Aroyo
Conference: ICWE2008;
A Component Based Architecture for Web Content Management: Runtime Deployable WebManager Component Bundles
A Component Based Architecture for Web Content Management: Runtime Deployable WebManager Component Bundles
Jurriaan Souer
Martin van Mierloo
Conference: ICWE2008;
JOXM: Java Object - XML Mapping
JOXM: Java Object - XML Mapping
Adam Dukovich
Jimmy Hua
Jong Seo Lee
Michael Huffman
Alex Dekhtyar
Conference: ICWE2008;
Clustering Blogs with Collective Wisdom
Clustering Blogs with Collective Wisdom
Nitin Agarwal
Magdiel Galan
Huan Liu
Shankar Subramanya
Conference: ICWE2008;
Roadmap towards Lifecycle Support for Highly Distributed Web-based Systems
Roadmap towards Lifecycle Support for Highly Distributed Web-based Systems
Frederic Majer
Patrick Freudenstein
Martin Nussbaumer
Conference: ICWE2008;
Semantos: XML-based Query Enhancement of RDF for Agents in the Semantic Web
Semantos: XML-based Query Enhancement of RDF for Agents in the Semantic Web
Theo Crous
Judith Bishop
Conference: ICWE2008;
Using Character Patterns to Improve Web Document Clustering
Using Character Patterns to Improve Web Document Clustering
Damir Aracic
Scott Wallace
Conference: ICWE2008;